Andrei Gromyko books in order – All Book Series 02/2024

Andrei Gromyko was a prominent Soviet statesman, known for his expertise in international relations and diplomacy. He wrote extensively on the subject, with several books to his name that delved into the complexities of global politics and foreign policy.

Andrei Gromyko Books in Order

  1. Memoirs
  2. ثورة اكتوبر وافريقيا
  3. Mis escritos y pensamientos
  4. Dějiny diplomacie: 1961 – 1979
  5. Dějiny diplomacie: 1945 – 1960
  6. Dějiny diplomacie: 1939 – 1945
  7. Pami͡a︡tnoe
  8. Die Krim (Jalta) konferenz der höchsten Repräsentanten der drei alliierten Mächte, UdSSR, USA und Grossbritannien: (4.-11. Februar 1945) : … Krieges 1941 bis 1945) (German Edition)
  9. Korešpondencia predsedu Rady ministrov ZSSR s prezidentmi USA a ministerskými predsedami Veľkej Británie za Veľkej vlasteneckej vojny 1941 – 1945
  10. Peace Now, Peace for the Future: Selected Speeches and Writings

Synopsis of Andrei Gromyko Books in Order


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ثورة اكتوبر وافريقيا

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Mis escritos y pensamientos

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Dějiny diplomacie: 1961 – 1979

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Dějiny diplomacie: 1945 – 1960

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Dějiny diplomacie: 1939 – 1945

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Die Krim (Jalta) konferenz der höchsten Repräsentanten der drei alliierten Mächte, UdSSR, USA und Grossbritannien: (4.-11. Februar 1945) : … Krieges 1941 bis 1945) (German Edition)

“The Krim (Jalta) konferenz” by Andrei Gromyko is a German edition book that delves into the details of the Yalta Conference of February 1945. The conference brought together the highest representatives of the three Allied powers – the USSR, USA, and Great Britain – to discuss the progress of World War II and the post-war reorganization of Europe. Gromyko’s book provides an in-depth analysis of the conference and its significance in shaping the geopolitical landscape of the post-war world.

The book discusses the key decisions and agreements made during the Yalta Conference, including the division of Germany and Berlin, the establishment of the United Nations, and the strategy for dealing with Japan. Gromyko offers insights into the negotiations and power dynamics among the Allied leaders, shedding light on their differing perspectives and priorities. Additionally, the book examines the long-term impact of the Yalta Conference on the Cold War and the broader international relations.

Overall, “Die Krim (Jalta) konferenz” offers a comprehensive examination of one of the most pivotal events of the 20th century. Gromyko’s analysis provides a valuable resource for understanding the complex historical, political, and diplomatic aspects of the Yalta Conference and its broader implications for world history.

Korešpondencia predsedu Rady ministrov ZSSR s prezidentmi USA a ministerskými predsedami Veľkej Británie za Veľkej vlasteneckej vojny 1941 – 1945

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Peace Now, Peace for the Future: Selected Speeches and Writings

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Biography Andrei Gromyko

Andrei Andreevich Gromyko was a prominent Soviet Belarusian communist politician who played a key role in shaping Soviet foreign policy during the Cold War. He served as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1957 to 1985 and later became the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet from 1985 to 1988. Gromyko was known for making many top decisions regarding Soviet foreign affairs until his retirement in 1988. In the 1940s, he gained the nickname “Mr. Nyet” or “Grim Grom” from Western pundits due to his frequent use of the Soviet veto in the United Nations Security Council.

Author Andrei Gromyko

In conclusion, the books written by Andrei Gromyko offer valuable insights into the ideological perspectives and diplomatic strategies of the Soviet Union during the Cold War era. Through his works, Gromyko imparts important lessons on foreign policy and international relations, shedding light on the complexities of power dynamics and ideological confrontations that shaped the geopolitical landscape of the 20th century. By studying his writings, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the Soviet Union’s approach to diplomacy and its enduring influence on global politics.

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Published at 9:38 - 29/07/2024
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