Antuza Genescu books in order – All Book Series January 2024

Antuza Genescu is a Romanian author known for her compelling and thought-provoking works that often explore themes of identity, memory, and the human experience. She has written several books that have garnered critical acclaim for their depth and emotional resonance.

Antuza Genescu Books in Order

  1. Roboții I. Eu, Robotul (Roboții, #1)
  2. Ucenicul asasinului (Farseer Trilogy, #1)
  3. Asasinul Regal (Trilogia Farseer #2)
  4. Răzbunarea asasinului (Farseer Trilogy, #3)
  5. Luna e o doamnă rea
  6. Călătorii în timp. Antologie de povestiri SF
  7. Xenos. Contact intre civilizatii
  8. Venus – povestiri erotice science fiction
  9. Paradox nr.28
  10. Paradox nr.22

Synopsis of Antuza Genescu Books in Order

Roboții I. Eu, Robotul (Roboții, #1)

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Ucenicul asasinului (Farseer Trilogy, #1)

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Asasinul Regal (Trilogia Farseer #2)

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Răzbunarea asasinului (Farseer Trilogy, #3)

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Luna e o doamnă rea

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Călătorii în timp. Antologie de povestiri SF

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Xenos. Contact intre civilizatii

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Venus – povestiri erotice science fiction

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Paradox nr.28

I’m sorry, but I am not able to access the specific content of the book “Paradox nr.28” by Antuza Genescu at the moment. If you would like, I can help with a summary or analysis of the book based on publicly available information.

Paradox nr.22

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Who is Antuza Genescu

Numele meu este Prozatoare și traducătoare, am debutat în revista “Paradox” în 1986, cu povestirea “Poiana sufletelor”. Sunt absolventă a Facultăţii de Litere şi Filosofie, Universitatea de Vest, Timişoara, și sunt preşedinta Clubului de Anticipaţie H.G. Wells din Timişoara. De asemenea, fac parte din Societatea Română de Science-Fiction şi Fantasy și am publicat povestiri science-fiction în revistele „Paradox”, „Helion”, „Orient Latin”, și „Banat”. De asemenea, susțin rubrica „Lectograf SF” în suplimentul literar „Paralela 45” al revistei „Renaşterii Bănăţene”.

Author Antuza Genescu

Antuza Genescu’s books present a wide-ranging exploration of political and social ideologies, providing profound insights into the human condition and the complexities of power dynamics. Through her works, she challenges readers to critically examine the impact of ideology on individuals and society, urging them to question the status quo and strive for a more just and equitable world. Genescu’s thought-provoking narratives and characters serve as a powerful reminder of the enduring importance of remaining vigilant in the face of oppressive systems, while also providing a beacon of hope for the potential of collective action and progressive change. Her literary contributions serve as invaluable resources for those seeking to navigate and resist the often destructive forces of ideology in today’s world.

FAQs about author Antuza Genescu

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Published at 9:16 - 01/08/2024
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