Christian Dunker books in order – Series List 03/2024

Christian Dunker is a Brazilian author who is known for his work in the field of psychoanalysis and social theory. He has written several books on the theme of mental health, psychoanalysis, and contemporary culture.

Christian Dunker Books in Order

  1. O palhaço e o psicanalista: como escutar os outros pode transformar vidas
  2. Reinvenção da Intimidade: Políticas do Sofrimento Cotidiano
  3. Uma biografia da depressão
  4. A Arte da Quarentena Para Principiantes
  5. Ética e Pós-verdade
  6. Mal-Estar, Sofrimento e Sintoma – Uma Psicopatologia do Brasil Entre Muros
  7. Cinema e Psicanálise – Vol. 1: A Criação do Desejo
  8. Sonhos confinados: O que sonham os brasileiros em tempos de pandemia
  9. Cinema e Psicanálise – Vol. 4: Montagem e Interpretação
  10. Cinema e Psicanálise – Vol. 3: Filmes que curam

Summary of Christian Dunker Books in Order

O palhaço e o psicanalista: como escutar os outros pode transformar vidas

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Reinvenção da Intimidade: Políticas do Sofrimento Cotidiano

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Uma biografia da depressão

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A Arte da Quarentena Para Principiantes

“A Arte da Quarentena Para Principiantes” by Christian Dunker is a book that focuses on the various psychological and emotional aspects of going through a period of quarantine. The author delves into the challenges and difficulties that individuals may face during this time, and offers practical and insightful advice on how to navigate through these challenges. Dunker explores the concept of isolation, the impact it can have on mental health, and how individuals can maintain a sense of connection and well-being despite being physically distanced from others.

In the book, Dunker also touches upon the societal and cultural implications of quarantine, examining how it can affect our relationships, work, and lifestyle. He provides a thoughtful analysis of the ways in which quarantine can shape our sense of identity and our understanding of ourselves in relation to others. The author offers strategies and tools for individuals to cope with the psychological and emotional effects of quarantine, and encourages readers to find meaning and resilience during this challenging time.

Overall, “A Arte da Quarentena Para Principiantes” offers a comprehensive and compassionate exploration of the psychological impact of quarantine, and provides practical guidance for individuals seeking to maintain their well-being and sense of self during this unprecedented period. Dunker’s book serves as a valuable resource for those looking to better understand and navigate the psychological challenges of quarantine.

Ética e Pós-verdade

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Mal-Estar, Sofrimento e Sintoma – Uma Psicopatologia do Brasil Entre Muros

“Mal-Estar, Sofrimento e Sintoma – Uma Psicopatologia do Brasil Entre Muros” by Christian Dunker explores the concept of malaise and suffering within the context of Brazilian society. Dunker delves into the psychopathology of Brazil and examines the underlying causes of distress and symptoms prevalent in the country. The book provides insight into the sociopolitical and cultural factors that contribute to individual and collective suffering, offering a comprehensive analysis of the Brazilian psyche.

Dunker’s work presents a deep exploration of the complexities of Brazilian society, shedding light on the various forms of malaise and symptomatology that manifest within the country. By examining the interplay of historical, social, and psychological factors, Dunker offers a nuanced understanding of the underlying causes of distress and suffering in Brazil. Through his insightful analysis, Dunker provides a thought-provoking study of the psychopathology of Brazil and the implications for individual and societal well-being.

The book delves into the intricacies of Brazilian culture and society, offering a compelling exploration of the psychopathology that permeates the country. Dunker’s work encourages readers to critically examine the root causes of malaise and suffering in Brazil, providing a valuable contribution to the understanding of mental health and societal well-being. “Mal-Estar, Sofrimento e Sintoma – Uma Psicopatologia do Brasil Entre Muros” is a significant and thought-provoking text that advances our understanding of the complexities of Brazilian society.

Cinema e Psicanálise – Vol. 1: A Criação do Desejo

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Sonhos confinados: O que sonham os brasileiros em tempos de pandemia

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Cinema e Psicanálise – Vol. 4: Montagem e Interpretação

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Cinema e Psicanálise – Vol. 3: Filmes que curam

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Biography Christian Dunker

Ele é um renomado psicanalista e professor titular do departamento de Psicologia Clínica do Instituto de Psicologia da USP. Além disso, é analista membro da Escola de Psicanálise dos Fóruns do Campo Lacaniano e coordenador do Laboratório de Teoria Social, Filosofia e Psicanálise da USP. Com um pós-doutorado na Manchester Metropolitan University e atuação como professor convidado em mais de quinze universidades internacionais, ele é reconhecido internacionalmente em sua área. Também foi agraciado com o prêmio Jabuti duas vezes, por suas obras “Estrutura e constituição da clínica psicanalítica” (Anablume, 2012) e “Mal estar, sofrimento e sintoma” (Boitempo, 2016).

Author Christian Dunker

In conclusion, Christian Dunker’s books present a thought-provoking analysis of ideology, individuality, and society. Through his exploration of topics such as narcissism, trauma, and social hierarchies, Dunker offers valuable insights into the complexities of human relations and the impact of psychological and social dynamics on individuals and communities. His work challenges readers to critically examine the ideological forces shaping their lives and encourages a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of human experience.

FAQs about author Christian Dunker

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Published at 9:10 - 24/09/2024
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