Farhad Daftary books in order – Series List March 2024

Farhad Daftary is a renowned author whose work revolves around the study of Shi’i Islam and Islamic history. He has written numerous books on these topics, delving deep into the religious and historical aspects of this branch of Islam.

Farhad Daftary Books in Order

  1. The Assassin Legends: Myths of the Isma’ilis
  2. الإسماعيليون: تاريخهم وعقائدهم
  3. A Short History of the Ismalis
  4. تاريخ الإسلام الشيعي
  5. The Ismailis: An Illustrated History
  6. تاریخ و اندیشه های اسماعیلی در سده های میانه
  7. Intellectual Traditions in Islam
  8. Ismailis in Medieval Muslim Societies
  9. Mediaeval Isma’ili History and Thought
  10. A Modern History of the Ismailis: Continuity and Change in a Muslim Community

Synopsis of Farhad Daftary Books in Order

The Assassin Legends: Myths of the Isma’ilis

“The Assassin Legends: Myths of the Isma’ilis” by Farhad Daftary explores the myths and legends surrounding the Isma’ilis, a Shi’i Muslim community often associated with the medieval Assassin order. Daftary delves into the historical roots of these legends and examines how they have shaped the perception of the Isma’ilis throughout history. He also analyzes the impact of these myths on the Isma’ili community and their interactions with other religious groups.

The book also provides a detailed account of the historical context in which the Assassin legends emerged, shedding light on the socio-political dynamics of the time. Daftary draws from a wide range of sources, including Islamic literature, historical accounts, and archaeological evidence, to present a comprehensive analysis of the myths and their significance. Through his research, the author aims to debunk misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding the Isma’ilis and offer a more nuanced understanding of their beliefs and practices.

Overall, “The Assassin Legends: Myths of the Isma’ilis” offers a compelling exploration of the myths and realities surrounding the Isma’ilis, providing valuable insights into their history and legacy. It is a thoughtful and thought-provoking study that challenges prevailing narratives and encourages a deeper appreciation of the complexities of religious and historical interpretation.

الإسماعيليون: تاريخهم وعقائدهم

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A Short History of the Ismalis

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تاريخ الإسلام الشيعي

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The Ismailis: An Illustrated History

“The Ismailis: An Illustrated History” by Farhad Daftary is a comprehensive exploration of the history and culture of the Ismaili community. The book covers the origins of the Ismaili branch of Islam, its development over the centuries, and its influence on art, architecture, and philosophy. Daftary presents a richly illustrated account of the Ismailis’ religious and cultural heritage, drawing on a wide range of sources to provide a detailed and nuanced picture of this unique religious tradition.

The book delves into the complexities of Ismaili history, tracing the evolution of the community from its roots in early Islamic history to its contemporary manifestations around the world. Daftary explores the distinctiveness of Ismaili beliefs and practices, highlighting their contributions to Islamic thought and civilization. The book also examines the Ismailis’ interactions with other religious and cultural traditions, shedding light on their place within the broader tapestry of human history.

“The Ismailis: An Illustrated History” offers a visually stunning and intellectually stimulating journey through the rich and diverse world of the Ismaili community. With its extensive collection of images and its scholarly approach to the subject matter, the book provides a valuable resource for anyone interested in the history and culture of the Ismailis. Daftary’s narrative skillfully weaves together historical, religious, and cultural threads to create a compelling portrait of this fascinating religious tradition.

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تاریخ و اندیشه های اسماعیلی در سده های میانه

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Intellectual Traditions in Islam

“Intellectual Traditions in Islam” by Farhad Daftary explores the rich and diverse intellectual heritage of Islam, spanning over fourteen centuries. The book delves into the various intellectual traditions within Islam, from philosophy and theology to science and medicine. Daftary provides a comprehensive overview of the contributions of Muslim scholars to these fields, highlighting the interconnectedness of Islamic intellectual traditions with other civilizations and cultures.

The author examines the evolution of key Islamic intellectual concepts and ideas, showing how they have influenced and shaped the broader intellectual landscape of the world. Daftary also discusses the transmission and reception of Islamic knowledge in different regions and civilizations, shedding light on the dynamic and complex nature of Islamic intellectual traditions. The book offers a nuanced and insightful analysis of the diverse range of intellectual currents that have emerged within Islam, challenging monolithic and essentialist narratives about the Islamic intellectual heritage.

Daftary’s work is an essential resource for anyone interested in the intellectual history of Islam and its interactions with other intellectual traditions. With its in-depth exploration of Islamic thought and its global impact, “Intellectual Traditions in Islam” provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the complex and multifaceted nature of Islamic intellectual heritage.

Ismailis in Medieval Muslim Societies

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Mediaeval Isma’ili History and Thought

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A Modern History of the Ismailis: Continuity and Change in a Muslim Community

“A Modern History of the Ismailis: Continuity and Change in a Muslim Community” by Farhad Daftary provides a comprehensive overview of the history, beliefs, and practices of the Ismaili Muslim community. Daftary traces the development of the Ismaili faith from its early beginnings in the 7th century through to the modern day, highlighting the community’s rich history and the various challenges and changes it has undergone over the centuries. The book covers key events and figures in Ismaili history, providing a thorough and insightful examination of the community’s evolution.

The book also delves into the Ismaili community’s internal structure, its leadership, and its engagement with the broader Muslim world. Daftary explores the Ismailis’ distinct theological and doctrinal perspectives, shedding light on the community’s unique spiritual traditions and interpretations of Islam. Additionally, the book examines the Ismailis’ cultural and intellectual contributions to the Muslim world, as well as their interactions with other religious and cultural traditions. Through a careful analysis of primary sources and scholarly research, Daftary offers a nuanced and illuminating portrait of the Ismaili community.

Overall, “A Modern History of the Ismailis” offers a valuable resource for readers seeking a deeper understanding of this often overlooked Muslim community. With its meticulous research and engaging writing, the book provides a comprehensive and insightful exploration of the Ismailis’ history, beliefs, and practices, making it an essential read for anyone interested in the diversity and complexity of the Muslim world.

Biography Farhad Daftary

Farhad Daftary, born in 1938, is a prominent figure in the field of academic research and publications at the Institute of Ismaili Studies. With a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, earned in 1971, he has contributed significantly to the Encyclopaedia Iranica and is also involved in editing the Encyclopaedia Islamica. In addition, he serves as the general editor for the Ismaili Heritage Series and the Ismaili Texts and Translations Series.

Author Farhad Daftary

Farhad Daftary’s extensive body of work offers a comprehensive study of Ismaili history and theology, shedding light on the complexities of this often misunderstood branch of Islam. Through his insightful analyses, Daftary challenges Western misconceptions and offers a deeper understanding of Ismaili thought and history. His emphasis on pluralism, intellectual freedom, and the pursuit of knowledge underscores the importance of tolerance and open-mindedness in today’s global society. In his books, Daftary not only provides an invaluable resource for scholars and students of Islamic studies, but also imparts important ideological lessons on the importance of understanding and respecting diverse religious traditions.

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Published at 9:54 - 31/05/2024
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