Jeremy Bentham books in order – New List 03/2024

Jeremy Bentham was an influential philosopher and legal theorist whose work centered around the idea of utilitarianism, focusing on the promotion of the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. He wrote extensively on moral and political philosophy, with over 30 published books on various subjects. Often regarded as the founder of modern utilitarianism, Bentham’s ideas have had a lasting impact on ethical and political thought.

Jeremy Bentham Books in Order

  1. The Principles of Morals and Legislation
  2. Utilitarianism and Other Essays
  3. The Panopticon Writings: (Wo Es War)
  4. The Classical Utilitarians
  5. A Fragment on Government
  6. Offences Against One’s Self: Paederasty
  7. Selected Writings on Utilitarianism
  8. Works of Jeremy Bentham
  9. Not Paul, But Jesus
  10. Anarchical Fallacies

Synopsis of Jeremy Bentham Books in Order

The Principles of Morals and Legislation

“The Principles of Morals and Legislation” by Jeremy Bentham is a seminal work in the field of ethics and political philosophy. In this book, Bentham presents his utilitarian ethics, which is the idea that the best moral action is the one that maximizes overall happiness or pleasure. He argues that the principle of utility should be the foundation of morality and law, and that the goal of society should be to promote the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. Bentham also discusses the concept of the “greatest happiness principle,” which holds that actions are right to the extent that they promote happiness, and wrong to the extent that they produce the reverse of happiness.

Bentham’s work includes an analysis of different types of pleasures and pains, as well as a discussion of the factors that should be considered when determining the moral value of an action. He also delves into the idea of accountability and punishment, arguing that the severity of punishment should be proportional to the harm caused by the crime. Bentham’s work has had a significant impact on the fields of ethics, law, and political philosophy, and “The Principles of Morals and Legislation” continues to be a foundational text in these areas.

Overall, “The Principles of Morals and Legislation” is a comprehensive and influential work that explores the principles of utilitarianism and their implications for morality, law, and society. Bentham’s ideas have had a lasting impact on the fields of ethics, law, and political philosophy, and his work remains relevant and thought-provoking to this day.

Utilitarianism and Other Essays

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The Panopticon Writings: (Wo Es War)

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The Classical Utilitarians

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A Fragment on Government

“A Fragment on Government” by Jeremy Bentham is a critical analysis of political theory and the principles of governance. In this work, Bentham examines the nature and origins of government and argues for the adoption of a utilitarian approach to governance. He asserts that the primary purpose of government should be the promotion of the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people, a concept central to utilitarian philosophy. Bentham also discusses the concept of individual rights and the role of the state in protecting those rights, as well as the importance of a system of checks and balances to prevent the abuse of power by those in government.

The book also delves into the function of laws and legal systems in society, with Bentham advocating for a system of laws that is fundamentally just and promotes the welfare of the population. He emphasizes the importance of transparency and accountability in government, as well as the need for a legal system that is based on clear and consistent principles. Bentham’s work ultimately serves as a critique of existing forms of government and a call for the adoption of a more rational and humane approach to governance.

Overall, “A Fragment on Government” presents a coherent and thought-provoking argument for the application of utilitarian principles to political theory and governance. Bentham’s ideas on individual rights, the role of government, and the function of laws continue to be influential in the fields of political philosophy and legal theory.

Offences Against One’s Self: Paederasty

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Selected Writings on Utilitarianism

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Works of Jeremy Bentham

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Not Paul, But Jesus

I’m sorry, but I couldn’t find information on the book “Not Paul, But Jesus” by Jeremy Bentham.

Anarchical Fallacies

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Biography Jeremy Bentham

Born in London in 1748, Jeremy Bentham was a renowned philosopher, utilitarian humanitarian, and atheist. He began learning Latin at a young age and excelled academically, earning his B.A. from Oxford at a remarkably young age. Bentham published influential works on utilitarianism, principles of morals and legislation, and was a strong advocate for political, legal, prison, and educational reform. Inheriting a large fortune in 1792, Bentham was able to devote the rest of his life to promoting progressive causes. He also critiqued religion in his writings and co-wrote a treatise on natural religion under a pseudonym. Bentham passed away in 1832, leaving behind a lasting legacy in the fields of philosophy and ethics.

Author Jeremy Bentham

In conclusion, the works of Jeremy Bentham provide a comprehensive understanding of his utilitarian philosophy and the importance of individual freedom and social reform. His ideas on ethics, law, and government have significantly influenced political and moral thinking, promoting the idea of maximizing happiness and well-being for the greatest number of people. Bentham’s writings serve as a valuable resource for exploring the complexities of social and political systems and continue to inspire discussions on justice, equality, and human rights. His books offer timeless lessons on the pursuit of a just and harmonious society, making them essential reads for anyone interested in the intersection of philosophy and public policy.

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Published at 9:28 - 27/12/2024
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