Kader Abdolah books in order – Full List February 2024

Kader Abdolah is a Dutch-Iranian author known for his thought-provoking and deeply moving works. His writing often revolves around themes of identity, exile, and cultural heritage, drawing on his own experiences as an immigrant. Abdolah has written several compelling novels and has established himself as a prominent voice in contemporary literature.

Kader Abdolah Books in Order

  1. Het huis van de moskee
  2. My Father’s Notebook: A Novel of Iran
  3. De kraai
  4. Papegaai vloog over de IJssel
  5. De Koning
  6. De reis van de lege flessen
  7. Salam Europa!
  8. Het pad van de gele slippers
  9. De boodschapper
  10. Het gordijn

Synopsis of Kader Abdolah Books in Order

Het huis van de moskee

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My Father’s Notebook: A Novel of Iran

“My Father’s Notebook: A Novel of Iran” by Kader Abdolah is a powerful and moving story that delves into the complex history and culture of Iran. The novel follows the protagonist, a young man who sets out to uncover the secrets of his father’s past in Iran. As he delves into his father’s notebook, he learns about the struggles and triumphs of his family amidst the political turmoil and upheaval in Iran.

The novel provides a compelling and personal insight into the impact of historical events on ordinary people, as well as the resilience and courage of individuals in the face of adversity. Through the protagonist’s journey, the author explores themes of family, identity, and the enduring power of love and hope.

With lyrical prose and vivid storytelling, “My Father’s Notebook” offers a deeply moving and thought-provoking exploration of Iranian history and culture, as well as a poignant portrayal of the universal human experience of love, loss, and the enduring bonds of family.

De kraai

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Papegaai vloog over de IJssel

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De Koning

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De reis van de lege flessen

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Salam Europa!

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Het pad van de gele slippers

Het pad van de gele slippers is een roman geschreven door Kader Abdolah en vertelt het verhaal van de Iraanse vluchteling Aboe Bakr, die is gevlucht naar Nederland. Het verhaal begint met Aboe Bakr die probeert een nieuw leven op te bouwen in Nederland, maar wordt geconfronteerd met vele uitdagingen en obstakels. Hij botst tegen de Nederlandse cultuur en tradities, terwijl hij tegelijkertijd worstelt met zijn eigen identiteit en herinneringen aan zijn thuisland.

Aboe Bakr begint een relatie met een Nederlandse vrouw genaamd Anneke, wat de dynamiek van zijn leven verandert. Hij probeert zijn weg te vinden in de Nederlandse samenleving en leren omgaan met zijn verleden. Het boek verkent thema’s zoals immigratie, identiteit, verlies en liefde, en biedt inzicht in de ervaringen van vluchtelingen in een nieuw land.

Het pad van de gele slippers is een ontroerend verhaal over veerkracht, doorzettingsvermogen en de zoektocht naar een thuis. Door de persoonlijke en intieme vertelstijl van Kader Abdolah krijgt de lezer een diepgaand inzicht in de innerlijke worstelingen van Aboe Bakr en de complexiteit van het leven als vluchteling in een vreemd land.

De boodschapper

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Het gordijn

Sorry, I do not have access to the content of the book “Het gordijn” by the author Kader Abdolah at the moment.

Biography Kader Abdolah

Kader Abdolah, the penname of Hossein Sadjadi Ghaemmaghami Farahani, is an Iranian writer who has been living in the Netherlands since 1988. He initially studied physics at the Arak College of Science but was forced to flee his home country as a political refugee. He now resides in Delft, where he writes under a pseudonym honoring two friends who were tragically murdered. His novel, Het huis van de moskee (The House of the Mosque), quickly became a bestseller in the Netherlands.

Author Kader Abdolah

In conclusion, Kader Abdolah’s books in order provide a rich tapestry of his experiences and beliefs, showcasing the struggles of Iranian immigrants and the power of storytelling as a tool of resistance. Through his novels, the author delivers powerful ideological lessons, emphasizing the importance of preserving cultural heritage, the complexities of identity and the necessity of resisting oppressive regimes. Abdolah’s work serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring human spirit and the transformative power of literature in the face of adversity.

FAQs about author Kader Abdolah

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Published at 9:04 - 02/01/2025
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