Nicolas Werth books in order – The Complete List 03/2024

Nicolas Werth is a renowned historian known for his work on the history of the Soviet Union and especially the history of Russia during the 20th century. He has written a number of books on the subject, focusing on topics such as the Soviet penal system, the Great Purge, and the history of the Soviet Union under Stalin.

Nicolas Werth Books in Order

  1. Cannibal Island: Death in a Siberian Gulag (Human Rights and Crimes against Humanity, 2)
  2. Drumul din Kolîma. Călătorie pe urmele Gulagului
  3. Histoire de l’Union Soviétique : De l’Empire Russe à la Communauté des États indépendants, 1900-1991
  4. Histoire de l’Union Soviétique de Lénine à Staline (1917-1953)
  5. 1917: La Russie en révolution
  6. Histoire de l’Union soviétique de Khrouchtchev à Gorbatchev (1953-1991)
  7. Poutine historien en chef
  8. La terreur et le désarroi: Staline et son système
  9. L’ivrogne et la marchande de fleurs: Autopsie d’un meurtre de masse, 1937-1938
  10. Histoire de l’URSS

Synopsis of Nicolas Werth Books in Order

Cannibal Island: Death in a Siberian Gulag (Human Rights and Crimes against Humanity, 2)

“Cannibal Island: Death in a Siberian Gulag” by Nicolas Werth is a harrowing account of the Soviet Union’s forced labor camps in the 1930s. The book specifically focuses on the remote island of Nazino, which was turned into a prison colony and labor camp. Werth describes the brutal conditions on the island, including starvation, disease, and violence, which led to widespread death and even cannibalism among the prisoners.

Werth meticulously documents the events on Nazino Island, drawing on survivor testimonies, official documents, and other historical sources. He delves into the political and social context of the Soviet Union at the time, examining how the policies of the Communist party led to the creation of the forced labor camps and the brutal treatment of prisoners. The book also explores the implications of these events for human rights and crimes against humanity, shedding light on the broader impact of the Soviet regime’s actions.

“Cannibal Island” is a powerful and important work that exposes the horrors of the Soviet gulags and sheds light on a lesser-known chapter of Soviet history. Werth’s meticulous research and powerful storytelling make this book a compelling and disturbing read, offering valuable insights into the nature of totalitarian regimes and the human cost of political repression.

Drumul din Kolîma. Călătorie pe urmele Gulagului

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Histoire de l’Union Soviétique : De l’Empire Russe à la Communauté des États indépendants, 1900-1991

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Histoire de l’Union Soviétique de Lénine à Staline (1917-1953)

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1917: La Russie en révolution

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Histoire de l’Union soviétique de Khrouchtchev à Gorbatchev (1953-1991)

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Poutine historien en chef

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La terreur et le désarroi: Staline et son système

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L’ivrogne et la marchande de fleurs: Autopsie d’un meurtre de masse, 1937-1938

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Histoire de l’URSS

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About Nicolas Werth

Nicolas Werth, born in 1950, is a prominent French historian and a leading authority on communist studies, with a particular focus on the history of the Soviet Union. He is the son of Alexander Werth, a renowned Russian-born British journalist and writer. Werth’s expertise is evident in his contributions to The Black Book of Communism, where he wrote the chapters dedicated to the USSR. Currently serving as a research director at the Institut d’histoire du temps présent, affiliated with CNRS, Werth’s work is now funded by the Hoover Institution. In 2007, he also lent his expertise as a historic consultant for the French television documentary film, Staline: le tyran rouge, which aired on M6.

Author Nicolas Werth

In conclusion, Nicolas Werth’s books provide a comprehensive and deeply insightful examination of the ideological underpinnings of totalitarian regimes and their social impacts. Through his meticulous research and rigorous analysis, Werth offers a compelling portrayal of the moral and political consequences of totalitarianism, shedding light on the enduring legacy of these oppressive systems. His works serve as a powerful reminder of the dangers of unchecked power and the importance of remaining vigilant against the rise of authoritarian ideologies in modern society.

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Published at 9:26 - 04/02/2025
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